The faster folk remedies to increase potency

One of the diseases in men, which is more frequent in middle-aged and older, is the impotence that is the inability to maintain an erection sufficient for sexual intercourse, or even a lack of erection. These problems can be adjusted with the help of medications. But men, think about the side effects from the use of drugs, believe that the funds to increase the power faster and more effective to help them.

This delicate problem can add to the problems in the private lives of both partners. "What a shame" it can happen with any young person after a strong fatigue, stress, deficiency of vitamins and minerals, and also very right and natural active substances in the body. It may be due to the abuse of alcohol and even the lack of sleep.

The faster folk remedies to increase potency

folk remedies to increase potency

Mother nature has intended for men the so-called aphrodisiacs — substances that can, in short, almost instantaneous time to have a strong effect exciting for a man. They have been used since ancient times to improve sexual desire and, above all, the possibility. These products contain substances which increase the assigned number of sex hormones and the blood supply to the genitals. They act quickly in a matter of a few hours.

Consider aphrodisiacs in more detail:

  • Garlic contains the mineral selenium. Its beneficial properties are focused on reinforced circulation of the blood in the organs, which increases the power and extends the time of erection;
  • Onions — owned similar with the garlic;
  • Celery contains the hormone responsible for the power and the secondary sexual characteristics (androsterone);
  • Parsley — regulates the hormonal balance of the male body with the help of substances, which allows to increase the level of testosterone (the male hormone) — ammonium;
  • Dill — has the property to expand the blood vessels, which causes an inflow of blood to the male organs. In addition, it also contains vitamins and minerals;
  • Honey and walnuts is a natural Viagra, to promote the production of testosterone;
  • Mussels and oysters contain a lot of zinc. A couple of pieces of oysters damage the essential daily the regulations of the zinc for the man;
  • Ginger — in addition to increased power, helps to reduce the blood pressure and cholesterol levels in men.

Spices, increase male potency: curry and clove, even vanilla, cumin and rosemary. It is possible to add to ready meals, or used in the preparation of decoctions of herbs.

Recipes popular means of strengthening men's features:

  1. A drink made of honey and red wine is a combination of well-known Ancient Rus'. Mix the honey, red wine and aloe juice in a ratio of 3:2:1, you can add the seeds of parsley. Compound infusion for 12 days.
  2. Drink with a base of honey and carrot juice, better also add the ginger. For the beverage is 0.5 kg of walnuts, 300 g of honey and 100 ml of aloe juice or carrot. Need to drink before eating for 30 min.
  3. Mulled wine for a gain of a power — drink with a base of red wine and dried fruit. First, it is a mixture of dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots — each 100 g) with 1 tablespoon sugar, preferably add the cardamom and the cinnamon, you can add other spices. Pour the mixture of red wine and simmer over low heating for an hour. Eat better, or before dinner or for a quick exposure before starting the sexual intercourse. The effect will be immediate.
  4. Honey and they are made so. First, 200 g of honey diluted in 1 liter of warm water, and then moistened with a solution of impose a napkin on the base of the male organ. Better to do it twice a day for 10 minutes.
  5. Broth with ginseng. This plant is called the "root of love". For broth 100 g of root poured 0.5 liters of water and infused for 2 days. Then the mixture needs to be cooked for 4 hours on a small fire, add 1 ct.a tablespoon of honey and cinnamon. Receipt of stock is done after a meal to 100 g.
  6. Even when impotence accept decoctions, or other types of potions of the root of calamus, dubrovnik and nettle. For example, one of the options to increase the strength of the male — mix the seeds of nettles and softened pre-banana, very tasty.

What you need to know?

the increase in power

In the treatment of male impotence folk remedies it is necessary to remember some useful tips to get rid of this problem, not only with the use of special herbs, and drinks:

  • The man must adhere to a healthy lifestyle, sleep at least 8 hours a night, and lead an active life, eat properly;
  • It is necessary to completely eliminate the alcohol, the possibility of reducing the consumption of coffee and tea, fatty foods and fried foods;
  • In the diet should be present vegetables and fruits, vegetables (especially radishes, daikon, beets, carrots, ginger);
  • Therapeutic properties have honey and nuts (up to 1 cup per day, drinking goat's milk), which increase the male desire and opportunity;
  • In the program of the week you need to put a day "bathroom" or the day of receiving "the sun" (especially in summer).

And finally...

Popular recipes and advice for the solution of this inner problem, there is a great variety. Choose and competent. Find your right recipe for the male enhancement strength, we must not forget that the main assistant to strengthen the power of the male is love.

Love to you and the more masculine power!